It's story fun

for everyone!

Macastory: Forces of Nature
Dance'N'Tales: The Stone of Destiny
Hip Hop Story Stop!: Hip Hop Party Stop!

April, 2025

Easter Kids camp at Dance Base... drop me a line for info!

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What is 'Hip Hop Story Stop!'?

Storyteller Claire McNicol & Kids Zumba instructor Fergus McNicol team up to bring you highly participative sessions of dance and storytelling with a focus on family fun, dance, song, rhymes, raps and tales! Perfect for lower primary and nursery ages. We blend dance traditions and story from cultures around the world with fun-filled games and activities...lively and highly participative story/dance experience for all ages!

And yes, we do children's parties too!

Contact us:

To chat to one of us call:
Claire 07913 630028
Fergus 07910 221556

or email: fergus_mcnicol@yahoo.co.uk

What we do...

We provide unique and fun sessions at various venues and parties for kids and parents together, getting everyone involved! We have endless themes for the stories and dances... you can dress up, let your hair down and have a ball bustin' moves and getting on your groove!

Our interactive performances and workshops are tailored to suit younger classes and nursery stages. We’ll soon have everyone laughing, learning and feeling great!

Our sessions and free follow up activities cover many CfE outcomes for Health and Wellbeing, Nutrition, Dance and Literacy. Got a theme? Pirates, Animals, Fairy Tales? No problem! We do them all and more...

Health Week? World Cultures?
Having a focus on Health and Wellbeing, fitness, dance nutrition or cultures from round the world? Drop us a line and ask how we can tailor our programme to hit your targets in a fun and highly interactive way!